1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <window id="userinfo" title="Fill out the following form"
3 xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
4 xmlns:jsf="urn:JavaServerFaces">
5 <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
6 <script src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/docs/cove.js"/>
7 <script src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/docs/userinfo.js"/>
8 <groupbox style="margin: 50px; background: white; max-width: 400px">
9 <caption label="Would you fill out the following form ?"/>
10 <grid style="padding: 5px">
11 <columns>
12 <column flex="1"/>
13 <column flex="4"/>
14 </columns>
15 <rows>
16 <row>
17 <label control="email" value="E-mail"/>
18 <textbox id="email" value="${userinfo.email}">
19 <jsf:config actionListener="#{userinfo.setEmail}"/>
20 </textbox>
21 </row>
22 <row>
23 <label control="password" value="Password(within 8 chars)"/>
24 <textbox id="password" type="password"
25 maxlength="8" value="${userinfo.password}">
26 <jsf:config actionListener="#{userinfo.setPassword}"
27 validator="#{userinfo.validate}"/>
28 </textbox>
29 </row>
30 <row>
31 <label control="favorite" value="Favorite Number"/>
32 <textbox id="favorite" value="${userinfo.favorite}">
33 <jsf:config actionListener="#{userinfo.setFavorite}"
34 converter="intConverter"/>
35 </textbox>
36 </row>
37 </rows>
38 </grid>
39 <grid style="padding: 5px">
40 <columns>
41 <column flex="5"/>
42 <column flex="1"/>
43 </columns>
44 <rows>
45 <row>
46 <label/>
47 <button id="userinfo_button" label="OK" oncommand="submitUserinfo('userinfo_button', 'en')">
48 <jsf:config actionListener="#{userinfo.update}" action="success"/>
49 </button>
50 </row>
51 </rows>
52 </grid>
53 </groupbox>
54 </window>