@echo off rem Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by The Web Services-Interoperability Organization (WS-I) and rem Certain of its Members. All Rights Reserved. rem rem Notice rem The material contained herein is not a license, either expressly or impliedly, to any rem intellectual property owned or controlled by any of the authors or developers of this rem material or WS-I. The material contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and to rem the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, this material is provided AS IS AND WITH rem ALL FAULTS, and the authors and developers of this material and WS-I hereby disclaim all rem other warranties and conditions, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not rem limited to, any (if any) implied warranties, duties or conditions of merchantability, rem of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, rem of workmanlike effort, of lack of viruses, and of lack of negligence. ALSO, THERE IS NO rem WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF TITLE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, CORRESPONDENCE TO rem DESCRIPTION OR NON-INFRINGEMENT WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL. rem rem IN NO EVENT WILL ANY AUTHOR OR DEVELOPER OF THIS MATERIAL OR WS-I BE LIABLE TO ANY OTHER rem PARTY FOR THE COST OF PROCURING SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF USE, rem LOSS OF DATA, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES rem WHETHER UNDER CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, OR OTHERWISE, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THIS OR rem ANY OTHER AGREEMENT RELATING TO THIS MATERIAL, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH PARTY HAD ADVANCE rem NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. rem rem rem WS-I License Information rem Use of this WS-I Material is governed by the WS-I Test License and other licenses. Information on these rem licenses are contained in the README.txt and ReleaseNotes.txt files. By downloading this file, you agree rem to the terms of these licenses. rem rem How To Provide Feedback rem The Web Services-Interoperability Organization (WS-I) would like to receive input, rem suggestions and other feedback ("Feedback") on this work from a wide variety of rem industry participants to improve its quality over time. rem rem By sending email, or otherwise communicating with WS-I, you (on behalf of yourself if rem you are an individual, and your company if you are providing Feedback on behalf of the rem company) will be deemed to have granted to WS-I, the members of WS-I, and other parties rem that have access to your Feedback, a non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide, perpetual, rem irrevocable, royalty-free license to use, disclose, copy, license, modify, sublicense or rem otherwise distribute and exploit in any manner whatsoever the Feedback you provide regarding rem the work. You acknowledge that you have no expectation of confidentiality with respect to rem any Feedback you provide. You represent and warrant that you have rights to provide this rem Feedback, and if you are providing Feedback on behalf of a company, you represent and warrant rem that you have the rights to provide Feedback on behalf of your company. You also acknowledge rem that WS-I is not required to review, discuss, use, consider or in any way incorporate your rem Feedback into future versions of its work. If WS-I does incorporate some or all of your rem Feedback in a future version of the work, it may, but is not obligated to include your name rem (or, if you are identified as acting on behalf of your company, the name of your company) on rem a list of contributors to the work. If the foregoing is not acceptable to you and any company rem on whose behalf you are acting, please do not provide any Feedback. rem rem Feedback on this document should be directed to wsi-test-java@ws-i.org. rem Verify that WSI home directory is set if "%WSI_HOME%"=="" goto usage setlocal rem Set environment call %WSI_HOME%\java\bin\setenv rem Run command java %WSI_JAVA_OPTS% -Dwsi.home=%WSI_HOME% -cp %WSI_CP% org.wsi.test.analyzer.BasicProfileAnalyzer %* rem pause goto end :usage echo. echo Usage: Analyzer -config ^ echo. echo NOTE: The WSI_HOME environment variable must be set to the location echo of the installed files [Example: c:\wsi-test-tools]. echo. :end endlocal