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SYSmark 2002
投稿者 | 投稿内容 |
投稿日時: 2004-01-28 21:30
BAPCoのSYSmark 2002がInternet Content CreationのFlashで毎回止まってしまいます。もちろん、Docsの
SYSmark 2002 Known Issues 2.9 Flash: 2.9.1 A dialog appears during Flash saying that the Open file dialog never appeared Description: The application took a long time to load, which meant the script began sending commands before the application was ready to respond. Workaround: Close Flash. SYSmark 2002 will display an Abort/Retry/Ignore dialog. Click Retry. The benchmark will start over on Internet Content Creation. は読んでます。 ダイアログ・ボックスは、 SYSmark 2002 Error The script for Flash (smFlash2.exe) failed. The reason: Error in smFlash2Export Flash Player window/dialog never appeared PLEASE CLOSE ALL APPLICATIONS FIRST and then click OK. システム構成はWindows XP Pro日本語版SP1a, HTはDisabled。 どなたか回避策をご存知の方、お助けください。 よろしくお願いいたします。 [ メッセージ編集済み 編集者: とよちん 編集日時 2004-01-29 10:44 ] [ メッセージ編集済み 編集者: とよちん 編集日時 2004-01-29 10:46 ] |