Delphi for PHPを使い倒す!

Delphi for PHPを使い倒す!(中編)





*  This file is part of the VCL for PHP project
*  Copyright (c) 2004-2008 qadram software S.L. <>
*  Checkout AUTHORS file for more information on the developers
*  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
*  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
*  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  Lesser General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
*  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
*  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
*  USA


 * IBDatabase provides discrete control over a connection to a single InterBase database in a database application.
 * Use IBDatabase to specify the connection information so IBDataset components can connect to the
 * database.
 * @link
class IBDatabase extends CustomConnection
        public $_connection=null;
        protected $_debug=0;
        protected $_databasename="";
        protected $_host="";
        protected $_username="";
        protected $_userpassword="";
        protected $_connected="0";
        protected $_dictionary="";
        protected $_dictionaryproperties=false;

        function metaFields($tablename)
            $metaColumnsSQL = "select a.rdb\$field_name from rdb\$relation_fields a, rdb\$fields b where a.rdb\$field_source = b.rdb\$field_name and a.rdb\$relation_name = '%s' order by a.rdb\$field_position asc";

            $rs = $this->Execute(sprintf($metaColumnsSQL,$tablename));
            while ($row=ibase_fetch_row($rs))

        function beginTrans($args=array())

        function completeTrans($autocomplete=true)
            if ($autocomplete)
            else return(ibase_rollback($this->_connection));

        function readConnected() { if ($this->_connection!=null) return("1"); else return("0"); }

        function getConnected() { return $this->readconnected(); }
        function setConnected($value) { $this->writeconnected($value); }

        * Sets the debug information provided by the component.
        * Use this property, when set to true, to get more information about
        * the connection process to address any issue you get.
        * @return boolean
        function getDebug() { return $this->_debug; }
        function setDebug($value) { $this->_debug=$value; }
        function defaultDebug() { return 0; }

        * Specifies the tablename on this database that holds dictionary information
        * A dictionary is a set of information about each field of each table, which
        * data-aware components use to show information about the table in a human-readable
        * format, for example, the title for each field, the width for a column, etc
        * @return string
        function getDictionary() { return $this->_dictionary;   }
        function setDictionary($value) { $this->_dictionary=$value; }

        * Specifies the name of the database to associate with this database component.
        * Use DatabaseName to specify the name of the database to use with a database
        * component.
        * Note: Setting DatabaseName when the Connected property is true requires you to close and reopen the database.
        * @return string
        function getDatabaseName() { return $this->_databasename;       }
        function setDatabaseName($value) { $this->_databasename=$value; }

        * This properties specifies where to find the server to connect to.
        * Use this property to set the host that runs the server you want to connect to.
        * @return string
        function getHost() { return $this->_host;       }
        function setHost($value) { $this->_host=$value; }

        * The username you want to use to connect to the database server.
        * Set this property with the name of the user you want to use to connect
        * to the database server.
        * @return string
        function getUserName() { return $this->_username;       }
        function setUserName($value) { $this->_username=$value; }

        * The password for the username you want to use to connect to the database server.
        * Set this property with the password for the user you want to use to connect
        * to the database server.
        * @return string
        function getUserPassword() { return $this->_userpassword;       }
        function setUserPassword($value) { $this->_userpassword=$value; }

        function getOnAfterConnect() { return $this->readonafterconnect(); }
        function setOnAfterConnect($value) { $this->writeonafterconnect($value); }

        function getOnBeforeConnect() { return $this->readonbeforeconnect(); }
        function setOnBeforeConnect($value) { $this->writeonbeforeconnect($value); }

        function getOnAfterDisconnect() { return $this->readonafterdisconnect(); }
        function setOnAfterDisconnect($value) { $this->writeonafterdisconnect($value); }

        function getOnBeforeDisconnect() { return $this->readonbeforedisconnect(); }
        function setOnBeforeDisconnect($value) { $this->writeonbeforedisconnect($value); }

        protected $_dialect=3;

        * Specifies the dialect to be used when connecting to the server
        * Reserved for future use.
        * @return string
        function getDialect() { return $this->_dialect; }
        function setDialect($value) { $this->_dialect=$value; }
        function defaultDialect() { return 3; }

        protected $_charset="ISO8859_1";

        function getCharset() { return $this->_charset; }
        function setCharset($value) { $this->_charset=$value; }
        function defaultCharset() { return "ISO8859_1"; }

        function prepare($query)
            $sth = ibase_prepare($this->_connection, $query);
            if ($sth == false)
              DatabaseError("Error IBDatabase->Prepare executing ibase_prepare [".ibase_errmsg()."]");

        * Prepares a stored procedure for execution
        * Not finished
        function prepareSP($query)
            ibase_prepare($this->_connection, $query);

        function dbDate($input)

        function param($input)

        function quoteStr($input)

        function __construct($aowner=null)
                //Calls inherited constructor

         * Executes a query
         * Use this method to execute an SQL sentence on the database server
         * @param string $query Query to execute
         * @param array $params Not used
         * @return object
        function execute($query,$params=array(),$sth=null)
                if (count($params) > 0)
                  if  ($sth == 0) $sth=$this->prepare($query);

                  if (!is_array($params))
                    $rs = @ibase_execute ($sth, $params);
                    @array_unshift($params, $sth);
                    $rs = @call_user_func_array('ibase_execute', $params);
                  if ($rs===false)
                    DatabaseError("Error executing ibase_execute: $query [".ibase_errmsg()."]");
                  $rs = @ibase_query ($this->_connection, $query);
                  if ($rs===false)
                          DatabaseError("Error executing ibase_query: $query [".ibase_errmsg()."]");


         * Executes a limited query on the database
         * Use this method to execute an SQL sentence on the database server using LIMIT clause.
         * @param string $query Query to execute
         * @param integer $numrows Rows to get
         * @param integer $offset First row to start counting
         * @param array $params Parameters to use on the query
         * @return object
        function executelimit($query,$numrows,$offset, $params=array(), $sth=null)

                return($this->execute($this->buildLimit($query,$numrows,$offset), $params, $sth));

        function buildLimit($query,$numrows,$offset)

                if ($numrows > 0)
                    if ($offset <= 0) $str = " ROWS $numrows ";
                        $a = $offset+1;
                        $b = $offset+$numrows;
                        $str = " ROWS $a TO $b";
                    // ok, skip
                    $a = $offset + 1;
                    $str = " ROWS $a TO 999999999"; // 999 million

                $sql .= $str;


        function doConnect()
            if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning)!=csDesigning)
                if ($this->_host!='') $dbname=$this->_host.':'.$dbname;

                $this->_connection = ibase_pconnect ($dbname, $this->UserName, $this->UserPassword,$this->_charset, '100', $this->Dialect);

                if (!$this->_connection)
                    DatabaseError("Cannot connect to database server");

        function doDisconnect()
                if ($this->_connection!=null)
                        ibase_close ($this->_connection);

         * Return properties for a field
         * @param string $table Name of the table to get properties for
         * @param string $field Name of the field to get properties for
         * @return array
        function readFieldDictionaryProperties($table, $field)
                if ($this->_connected)
                        if ($this->_dictionary!='')
                                $q="select * from $this->_dictionary where dict_tablename='$table' and dict_fieldname='$field'";
                                while ($arow=ibase_fetch_assoc($r))
                                        while (list($k,$v)=each($arow))

                                if (!empty($props)) $result=$props;
                                if ($this->_dictionaryproperties!=false)

         * Return indexes for a table
         * This method extract the indexes from the table and returns an array
         * with that information.
         * @param string $table Table name to look for
         * @param boolean $primary If false, only non-primary keys will be returned
         * @return array
        function &extractIndexes($table, $primary = FALSE)
            $table = $table;
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM RDB\$INDICES WHERE RDB\$RELATION_NAME = '".$table."'";

            if (!$primary)
                $sql .= " AND RDB\$INDEX_NAME NOT LIKE 'RDB\$%'";
                $sql .= " AND RDB\$INDEX_NAME NOT LIKE 'RDB\$FOREIGN%'";


            $indexes = array();
            while ($row = ibase_fetch_row($rs))
                $index = $row[0];
                if (!isset($indexes[$index]))
                    if (is_null($row[3]))
                        $row[3] = 0;

                    $indexes[$index] = array(
                             'unique' => ($row[3] == 1),
                             'columns' => array()

                $rs1 = $this->execute($sql);

                while ($row1 = ibase_fetch_row($rs1))
                    $indexes[$index]['columns'][$row1[2]] = $row1[1];
            return $indexes;

        * Array containing all the information in array format about the dictionary
        * Use this property to provide information about the dictionary but using a
        * PHP array instead a database table.
        * @return array
        function readDictionaryProperties() { return $this->_dictionaryproperties;   }
        function writeDictionaryProperties($value) { $this->_dictionaryproperties=$value; }

         * Creates the dictionary table on the database
         * Use this method to create the dictionary table on the database you
         * are connection. This method issues the create table command and creates
         * the table with the right structure. You have to connect to the database
         * before use this method and Dictionary property must be set to the tablename.
         * @return boolean
        function createDictionaryTable()
                if ($this->_connected)
                        if ($this->_dictionary!='')
                         $q="CREATE TABLE $this->_dictionary (\n";
                         $q.="  DICT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL,\n";
                         $q.="  DICT_TABLENAME VARCHAR(60) CHARACTER SET NONE COLLATE NONE,\n";
                         $q.="  DICT_FIELDNAME VARCHAR(60) CHARACTER SET NONE COLLATE NONE,\n";
                         $q.="  DICT_PROPERTY VARCHAR(60) CHARACTER SET NONE COLLATE NONE,\n";
                         $q.="  DICT_VALUE1 VARCHAR(60) CHARACTER SET NONE COLLATE NONE,\n";
                         $q.="  DICT_VALUE2 VARCHAR(200) CHARACTER SET NONE COLLATE NONE);\n";

                         $q="ALTER TABLE $this->_dictionary ADD PRIMARY KEY (DICT_ID);\n";

         * Return all the databases using the connection information
         * This method returns an array with all the databases stored on the server.
         * Not working yet.
         * @return array
        function databases()
            return false;

         * Return tables on this database
         * This method returns an array containing all the table names stored in
         * the database.
         * @return array
        function tables($ttype=false,$showSchema=false,$mask=false)
                $metaTablesSQL = "select rdb\$relation_name from rdb\$relations where rdb\$relation_name not like 'RDB\$%'";

                $false = false;
                if ($mask)
                        return $false;

                if ($metaTablesSQL)
                        $rs = $this->execute($metaTablesSQL);
                        if ($rs === false) return $false;

                        while ($arr = ibase_fetch_row($rs))
                        return $rr;
                return $false;

 * IBDataSet defines database-related connectivity properties and methods for a dataset.
 * Applications never use IBDataSet objects directly. Instead they use the descendants of IBDataSet,
 * such as IBQuery, IBStoredProc, and IBTable, which inherit its database-related properties and methods.
 * Developers who create custom InterBase dataset components may want to derive them from IBDataSet to inherit
 * to the database-specific properties of IBDataSet in addition to all the functionality of DataSet.
 * In this case, developers should examine the source code to study the protected methods of IBDataSet
 * that are not documented for this object.
class IBDataSet extends DataSet
    public $_rs=null;

    protected $_eof=false;
    public $_buffer=array();

    protected $_database=null;
    protected $_params=array();

   * Statement Handle for Prepared statement
   * Added by tomneko @20090410
   protected $_sth=null;

    * Specifies the database object to be used to connect to the server
    * Use this property to set the database to which this table will connect to.
    * @return IBDatabase
    function readDatabase() { return $this->_database; }
    function writeDatabase($value) { $this->_database=$this->fixupProperty($value); }
    function defaultDatabase() { return null; }

    function loaded()

    function readFields() { return($this->_buffer); }
    function readFieldCount() { return count($this->_buffer); }

    function readRecordCount()
        if (assigned($this->_rs))
        else return(parent::readRecordCount());

    function moveBy($distance)

        if (!$this->_eof) $this->_buffer=$buff;

    function readEOF()

    * Checks if the Database property is assigned and is an object.
    * This method checks for the right setting of the Database property, if is
    * not an object, it will raise a Database exception.
    function checkDatabase()
        if (!is_object($this->_database)) DatabaseError(_("No Database assigned or is not an object"));

    public $_keyfields=array();

    function internalOpen($lquery="")
        if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning)!=csDesigning)
            if ($lquery!="") $query=$lquery;
            else $query=$this->buildQuery();
            if (trim($query)=='') DatabaseError(_("Missing query to execute"));

            if ((trim($this->_limitstart)=='-1') && (trim($this->_limitcount)=='-1'))
                if ($limitstart=='') $limitstart=-1;

                if ($limitcount=='') $limitcount=-1;


            if ((!is_array($this->_buffer)) || (count($this->_buffer)==0))
                if ($this->_tablename!='')

    function internalFirst()

    * Returns the value of a field on the dataset
    * This method returns the value of the field specified in $fieldname, if not
    * found, an EPropertyNotFound exception is raised
    * @param string $fieldname Name of the field to get
    * @return mixed
    function fieldget($fieldname)
    	if ($this->_rs!=null)
        	if ($this->Active)

            	if ((is_array($this->_buffer)) && (array_key_exists($fieldname,$this->_buffer)))
                	if ($this->State==dsBrowse)
                    	return ($this->_buffer[$fieldname]);
                    else if (array_key_exists($fieldname,$this->fieldbuffer))
                    else return('');
                else if ((is_array($this->fieldbuffer)) && (array_key_exists($fieldname,$this->fieldbuffer)))

		throw new EPropertyNotFound($this->ClassName().'->'.$fieldname);

    * Sets the value of a field on the dataset
    * This method sets the value of the field specified in $fieldname, to the value
    * specified in $value. If not found, an EPropertyNotFound exception is raised
    * @param string $fieldname Name of the field to set
    * @param mixed $value Value for the field
    * @return mixed
    function fieldset($fieldname, $value)
    	if ($this->_rs!=null)
        	if ($this->Active)
            	if ((is_array(($this->_buffer))) && (array_key_exists($fieldname,$this->_buffer)))
                    if ($this->State==dsBrowse)
		throw new EPropertyNotFound($this->ClassName().'->'.$fieldname);

    * Overriden to allow get field values as properties
    * @param string $nm  Name of the property/field to get
    * @return mixed
    function __get($nm)
                //Try to get the property from the object
        catch (EPropertyNotFound $e)
                if ($this->_rs!=null)
                    if ($this->Active)
                        if ((is_array($this->_buffer)) && (array_key_exists($nm,$this->_buffer)))
                            if ($this->State==dsBrowse)
                                return ($this->_buffer[$nm]);
                            else if (array_key_exists($nm,$this->fieldbuffer))
                            else return('');
                        else if ((is_array($this->fieldbuffer)) && (array_key_exists($nm,$this->fieldbuffer)))
                throw $e;


    * Overriden to allow get field values as properties
    * @param string $nm  Name of the property/field to set
    * @param mixed $val Value to set this property/field
    * @return mixed
    function __set($nm,$val)
                //Try to get the property from the object
        catch (EPropertyNotFound $e)
                if ($this->_rs!=null)
                    if ($this->Active)
                        if ((is_array(($this->_buffer))) && (array_key_exists($nm,$this->_buffer)))
                            if ($this->State==dsBrowse)
                throw $e;

 * CustomIBTable is the base class for IBTable
 * Use IBTable to access data in a single database table using InterBase native access in PHP.
 * Table provides direct access to every record and field in an underlying database table.
 * A table component can also work with a subset of records within a database table using
 * ranges and filters.
class CustomIBTable extends IBDataSet
        protected $_tablename="";
        protected $_lastquery="";

        * Name of the table you want to access
        * Use this property to specify the tablename you want to access.
        * @return string
        function readTableName() { return $this->_tablename; }
        function writeTableName($value) { $this->_tablename=$value; }
        function defaultTableName() { return ""; }

        function internalDelete()
                while(list($key, $fname)=each($this->_keyfields))
                    if (trim($val)=='') continue;
                    if ($where!='') $where.=" and ";
                    $where.=" $fname = ".$this->Database->QuoteStr($val);

            if ($where!='')
                $query="delete from $this->TableName where $where";


         * Get field properties
         * @param string $fieldname Name of the field to get properties for
         * @return mixed
        function readFieldProperties($fieldname)
                if ($this->_database!=null)
                else return(false);

        function internalPost()
            if ($this->State == dsEdit)
                while(list($key, $fname)=each($this->_keyfields))
                    if (trim($val)=='') continue;
                    if ($where!='') $where.=" and ";
                    $where.=" $fname = ".$this->Database->QuoteStr($val);

                while(list($key, $fname)=each($buffer))
                    if ($set!="") $set.=", ";
                    $set.=" $key = '$fname' ";

                    $updateSQL="update $this->TableName set $set where $where";
                catch (Exception $e)
                    throw $e;

                //TODO: Handle errors
                if (is_array($this->_keyfields))
                    while(list($key, $fname)=each($this->_keyfields))

                while(list($key, $val)=each($this->fieldbuffer))
                        if ($fields!='') $fields.=',';

                        if ($values!='') $values.=',';

                    $insertSQL="insert into $this->TableName($fields) values ($values)";
                catch (Exception $e)
                    throw $e;

        * This method is used internally to build the query to send to the server.
        * Don't use this method when using this component.
        function buildQuery()
            if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning)!=csDesigning)
                if (trim($this->_tablename)=='')
                    if ($this->Active)
                        DatabaseError(_("Missing TableName property"));
                $qu="select * from $this->_tablename";

                if ($this->_orderfield!="") $order="order by $this->_orderfield $this->_order";

                if ($this->Filter!="") $where.=" $this->Filter ";

                if ($this->MasterSource!="")
                    if (is_object($this->_mastersource))
                        if (is_array($this->_masterfields))


                            while(list($key, $val)=each($this->_masterfields))

                                if ($ms!="") $ms.=" and ";
                                $ms.=" $thisfield=".$this->Database->QuoteStr($this->_mastersource->DataSet->$msfield)." ";

                            if ($ms!="")
                                if ($where!="") $where.=" and ";
                                $where.=" ($ms) ";

                if ($where!="") $where=" where $where ";

                $result=$qu." $where $order ";

            else return('');

           * Return an array containg the row values
           * This property is an array of the current row values using fieldnames
           * as the key for the values.
           * @return array
  function readAssociativeFieldValues()

        if ($this->Active)


        * Return an array with Key fields for the table
        * This property returns an array in which each value is a field which belong
        * to the primary key of the table.
        * @return array
        function readKeyFields()
                //TODO: Check here for another indexes
                if ($this->_tablename!='')

                if (is_array($indexes))

                    if (is_array($result))
                        while (list($k,$v)=each($result))

        function dumpHiddenKeyFields($basename, $values=array())

                if (empty($values))

                if (is_array($keyfields))
                    while (list($k,$v)=each($keyfields))
                            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"".$basename."[$v]\" value=\"$values[$v]\" />";

    protected $_orderfield="";

    * Specifies the field by which the dataset will be ordered
    * Use this property to specify the field(s) which will be used to order
    * the data for the query.
    * @return string
    function readOrderField() { return $this->_orderfield; }
    function writeOrderField($value) { $this->_orderfield=$value; }
    function defaultOrderField() { return ""; }

    protected $_order="asc";

    * Specifies the order (ascending/descending) to order the dataset
    * This property specifies the order in which to get the data for the query.
    * @return string
    function readOrder() { return $this->_order; }
    function writeOrder($value) { $this->_order=$value; }
    function defaultOrder() { return "asc"; }

//TODO: Abstract more this class into Dataset (i.e. active, open, etc)
 * IBTable encapsulates a database table in a InterBase server.
 * Use IBTable to access data in a single database table using InterBase native access in PHP.
 * Table provides direct access to every record and field in an underlying database table.
 * A table component can also work with a subset of records within a database table using
 * ranges and filters.
class IBTable extends CustomIBTable
        function getMasterSource() { return $this->readmastersource(); }
        function setMasterSource($value) { $this->writemastersource($value); }

        function getMasterFields() { return $this->readmasterfields(); }
        function setMasterFields($value) { $this->writemasterfields($value); }

        function getTableName() { return $this->readtablename(); }
        function setTableName($value) { $this->writetablename($value); }

        function getActive() { return $this->readactive(); }
        function setActive($value) { $this->writeactive($value); }

        function getDatabase() { return $this->readdatabase(); }
        function setDatabase($value) { $this->writedatabase($value); }

        function getFilter() { return $this->readfilter(); }
        function setFilter($value) { $this->writefilter($value); }

        function getOrderField() { return $this->readorderfield(); }
        function setOrderField($value) { $this->writeorderfield($value); }

        function getOrder() { return $this->readorder(); }
        function setOrder($value) { $this->writeorder($value); }

    function getOnBeforeOpen() { return $this->readonbeforeopen(); }
    function setOnBeforeOpen($value) { $this->writeonbeforeopen($value); }

    function getOnAfterOpen() { return $this->readonafteropen(); }
    function setOnAfterOpen($value) { $this->writeonafteropen($value); }

    function getOnBeforeClose() { return $this->readonbeforeclose(); }
    function setOnBeforeClose($value) { $this->writeonbeforeclose($value); }

    function getOnAfterClose() { return $this->readonafterclose(); }
    function setOnAfterClose($value) { $this->writeonafterclose($value); }

    function getOnBeforeInsert() { return $this->readonbeforeinsert(); }
    function setOnBeforeInsert($value) { $this->writeonbeforeinsert($value); }

    function getOnAfterInsert() { return $this->readonafterinsert(); }
    function setOnAfterInsert($value) { $this->writeonafterinsert($value); }

    function getOnBeforeEdit() { return $this->readonbeforeedit(); }
    function setOnBeforeEdit($value) { $this->writeonbeforeedit($value); }

    function getOnAfterEdit() { return $this->readonafteredit(); }
    function setOnAfterEdit($value) { $this->writeonafteredit($value); }

    function getOnBeforePost() { return $this->readonbeforepost(); }
    function setOnBeforePost($value) { $this->writeonbeforepost($value); }

    function getOnAfterPost() { return $this->readonafterpost(); }
    function setOnAfterPost($value) { $this->writeonafterpost($value); }

    function getOnBeforeCancel() { return $this->readonbeforecancel(); }
    function setOnBeforeCancel($value) { $this->writeonbeforecancel($value); }

    function getOnAfterCancel() { return $this->readonaftercancel(); }
    function setOnAfterCancel($value) { $this->writeonaftercancel($value); }

    function getOnBeforeDelete() { return $this->readonbeforedelete(); }
    function setOnBeforeDelete($value) { $this->writeonbeforedelete($value); }

    function getOnAfterDelete() { return $this->readonafterdelete(); }
    function setOnAfterDelete($value) { $this->writeonafterdelete($value); }

    function getOnDeleteError() { return $this->readondeleteerror(); }
    function setOnDeleteError($value) { $this->writeondeleteerror($value); }

class CustomIBQuery extends CustomIBTable
        protected $_sql=array();

         * Contains the text of the SQL statement to execute for the query.
         * Use SQL to provide the SQL statement that a query component executes
         * when its Open method is called. At design time the SQL property can be
         * edited by invoking the String List editor in the Object Inspector.
         * The SQL property may contain only one complete SQL statement at a time.
         * In general, multiple batch statements are not allowed unless a particular
         * server supports them.
         * @return string
        function readSQL() { return $this->_sql;     }
        function writeSQL($value)
                //If it's not an array
                if (!is_array($value))
                        //Check for a serialized array
                else $clean=$value;

                if ($clean===false)
        function defaultSQL() { return array();     }

         * Sends a query to the server for optimization prior to execution.
         * Call Prepare to have a remote database server allocate resources for
         * the query and to perform additional optimizations.
         * If the query will only be executed once, the application does not need
         * to explicitly call Prepare. Executing an unprepared query generates
         * these calls automatically. However, if the same query is to be executed
         * repeatedly, it is more efficient to prevent these automatic calls by
         * calling Prepare explicitly.
         * Note: When you change the text of a query at runtime, the query is automatically closed and unprepared.
         * @return integer $this->_sth Prepared Statement Handle
        function prepare()
            $sql = $this->buildQuery();
            if ((trim($this->_limitstart)=='-1') && (trim($this->_limitcount)=='-1'))
                if ($limitstart=='') $limitstart=-1;

                if ($limitcount=='') $limitcount=-1;

                $sql = $this->Database->buildLimit($sql,$limitcount,$limitstart);

            return $this->_sth;

        * Execute for non query SQL. This function support prepared query.
        * Added by tomneko @ 20090410
         * @param string $query Query to execute
         * @param array $params Not used
         * @param integer $sth Prepared Statement Handle
         * @return object
        function execute($lquery="", $params=array(), $sth=null)
          if ($lquery!="")

          if (!$params && $this->_params)

          if (!$sth && $this->_sth)

          if (trim($query)=='') DatabaseError(_("Missing query to execute"));



          if ((trim($this->_limitstart)=='-1') && (trim($this->_limitcount)=='-1'))
            $this->_rs=$this->Database->Execute($query, $params, $sth);
            if ($limitstart=='') $limitstart=-1;

            if ($limitcount=='') $limitcount=-1;


         * Contains the parameters for a querys SQL statement.
         * Access Params at runtime to view and set parameter names and values
         * dynamically (at design time use the editor for the Params property to
         * set parameter information). Index specifies the array element to access.
         * @return array
        function readParams() { return $this->_params; }
        function writeParams($value) { $this->_params=$value; }
        function defaultParams() { return ""; }

        * This method is used internally to build the query to send to the server.
        * Don't use this method when using this component.
        function buildQuery()
            if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning)!=csDesigning)
                if (is_array($this->_sql))
                    if (!empty($this->_sql))
                        $qu=implode(' ',$this->_sql);
                    if ($this->_sql!="")

                if ($this->_orderfield!="") $order="order by $this->_orderfield $this->_order";

                if ($this->_filter!="") $filter=" where $this->_filter ";

                $result=$qu." $filter $order ";

            else return('');
 * IBQuery represents a dataset with a result set that is based on an SQL statement.
 * Use IBQuery to access one or more tables in a IB database using SQL statements.
 * Query components are useful because they can:
 * Access more than one table at a time (called a join in SQL).
 * Automatically access a subset of rows and columns in its underlying table(s),
 * rather than always returning all rows and columns.
 * A class to encapsulate a database table
class IBQuery extends CustomIBQuery
        function getSQL() { return $this->readsql(); }
        function setSQL($value) { $this->writesql($value); }

        function getParams() { return $this->readparams(); }
        function setParams($value) { $this->writeparams($value); }

        function getTableName() { return $this->readtablename(); }
        function setTableName($value) { $this->writetablename($value); }

        function getActive() { return $this->readactive(); }
        function setActive($value) { $this->writeactive($value); }

        function getDatabase() { return $this->readdatabase(); }
        function setDatabase($value) { $this->writedatabase($value); }

        function getFilter() { return $this->readfilter(); }
        function setFilter($value) { $this->writefilter($value); }

        function getOrderField() { return $this->readorderfield(); }
        function setOrderField($value) { $this->writeorderfield($value); }

        function getOrder() { return $this->readorder(); }
        function setOrder($value) { $this->writeorder($value); }

 * IBStoredProc encapsulates a stored procedure in an application.
 * Use a IBStoredProc object in applications to use a stored procedure on a InterBase database server.
 * A stored procedure is a grouped set of statements, stored as part of a database servers
 * metadata (just like tables, indexes, and domains), that performs a frequently repeated,
 * database-related task on the server and passes results to the client.
 * Many stored procedures require a series of input arguments, or parameters, that are used
 * during processing. IBStoredProc provides a Params property that enables an application
 * to set these parameters before executing the stored procedure.
class IBStoredProc extends CustomIBQuery
    protected $_storedprocname="";

    function getStoredProcName() { return $this->_storedprocname; }
    function setStoredProcName($value) { $this->_storedprocname=$value; }
    function defaultStoredProcName() { return ""; }

        function getActive() { return $this->readactive(); }
        function setActive($value) { $this->writeactive($value); }

        function getDatabase() { return $this->readdatabase(); }
        function setDatabase($value) { $this->writedatabase($value); }

        function getFilter() { return $this->readfilter(); }
        function setFilter($value) { $this->writefilter($value); }

        function getOrderField() { return $this->readorderfield(); }
        function setOrderField($value) { $this->writeorderfield($value); }

        function getOrder() { return $this->readorder(); }
        function setOrder($value) { $this->writeorder($value); }

        function getParams() { return $this->readparams(); }
        function setParams($value) { $this->writeparams($value); }

        function prepare()

        function buildQuery()
            if (($this->ControlState & csDesigning)!=csDesigning)

                    while(list($key, $val)=each($this->_params))
                        if ($pars!="") $pars.=', ';

                    if ($pars!="") $pars="($pars)";

                    $result="select * from $this->_storedprocname$pars";

            else return('');



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