IT Architect連動企画]

安田 正義


[1] 岩本幸男「Webサービスの光と陰を考察する(1) - Webサービスを阻害するシステム開発の旧弊を絶つ」@IT、2003/11/20

[2] 岩本幸男「Webサービスの光と陰を考察する(2) - データ標準化から目をそらす守旧派の罪と罰」@IT、2003/12/13

[3] 明神知「ビジネスとITを全体最適に導くEA(上)」@IT、2004/1/24

[4] Todd Datz, "What You Need to Know About Service-Oriented Architecture", CIO Magazine, 2004/01/15

[5] Vance McCarthy, "Zapthink Preps Devs for Coming SOA, XML Future", Zapthink, 2004/01/10

[6] McKinsey Quarterly, "Flexible IT, better strategy", McKinsey Quarterly special to CNET, 2004/1/24

[7] Roy Schulte, "Predicts 2003: SOA Is Changing Software", Gartner Research, 2002/12/9

[8] Roy Schulte, "Predicts 2003: Enterprise Service Buses Emerge", Gartner Research, 2002/12/9(有料コンテンツ)

[9] Yefim Natis, "Service-Oriented Architecture Scenario", Gartner Research, 2003/4/16

[10] J. Sinur, D. McCoy, J.Thompson, "SOA and BPM Form a Potent Combination", Gartner Research, 2003/4/14(有料コンテンツ)

[11] B.Wood, J.Comport, "Packaged Applications Meet Service-Oriented Architectures", Gartner Research, 2003/04/09(有料コンテンツ)

[12] Roy Schulte, "Use SOA for Composite Application Integration", Gartner Research, 2003/04/16(有料コンテンツ)

[13] Roy Schulte, Yefim Natis, "Event-Driven Architecture Complements SOA",  Gartner Research, 2003/07/08(有料コンテンツ)

[14] 吉松史彰「オブジェクト指向の終えんとサービス指向の台頭」@IT、2003/08/09

[15] Hao He, "What is Service-Oriented Architecture", O'Reilly Associates, 2003/09/30

[16] Werner Vogel, "Web Services Are Not Distributed Objects", IEEE, 2003/11/26

[17] New Rowley Group, "Building a more flexible and efficient IT infrastructure - Moving from a conceptual SOA to a service-based infrastructure", 2003/11

[18] William M. Bulkeley, "IBM Documents Give Rare Look At Sensitive Plans on Offshoring", The Wall Street Journal, 2004/01/19(有料コンテンツ)

[19] ゲイリー・ハメル&C・K・プラハード著、一條和生訳『コア・コンピタンス経営』日経ビジネス人文庫(Gary Hamel & C.K. Prahalad, "Competing For The Future", Harvard Business School Press, 1994)

[20] M・ハマー&J・チャンピー著、野中郁次郎監訳『リエンジニアリング革命』日本経済新聞社(Michael Hammer & James Champy, "Reengineering the Corporation", 1993)

[21] Alorie Gilbert, "Oracle changes tune on integration", CNET, 2004/01/27

[22] 梅田望夫によるマーク・ベニオフのインタビュー「米国ハイテクワールドに学ぶ破壊的創造のマネジメント」『ダイヤモンドLOOP』、2003/12

[23] Alexander Drobik, "Enterprise Architecture: Far Too Important to Be Left to the IT Team", GartnerG2, 2002/07

[24] Jorge Lopez, "Strategy of Acceleration: Time to Change Culture and Architecture", GartnerG2, 2002/07/29



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