サンプル動画(ダブルクリックで再生、クリックで一時停止します) |
#pragma once #include "ofMain.h" #include "ofxiPhone.h" #include "ofxiPhoneExtras.h" class testApp : public ofxiPhoneApp { public: void setup(); void update(); void draw(); void exit(); void touchDown(ofTouchEventArgs &touch); void touchMoved(ofTouchEventArgs &touch); void touchUp(ofTouchEventArgs &touch); void touchDoubleTap(ofTouchEventArgs &touch); void touchCancelled(ofTouchEventArgs &touch); void lostFocus(); void gotFocus(); void gotMemoryWarning(); void deviceOrientationChanged(int newOrientation); unsigned char * cameraPixels; // the camera image needs to be flipped, so we'll use this memory for that unsigned char * tempPixels; // the camera image needs to be flipped, so we'll use this memory for that. ofxiPhoneImagePicker * camera; ofImage photo; ofPoint imgPos; float r; float g; };
unsigned char * tempPixels; float r; float g;
#include "testApp.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup(){ // register touch events ofRegisterTouchEvents(this); // initialize the accelerometer ofxAccelerometer.setup(); //iPhoneAlerts will be sent to this. ofxiPhoneAlerts.addListener(this); cameraPixels = NULL; tempPixels = NULL; camera = new ofxiPhoneImagePicker(); camera->setMaxDimension(480); //otherwise we will have enormous images imgPos.x=ofGetWidth()/2; imgPos.y=ofGetHeight()/2; r = 0; g = 0; photo.loadImage("images/instructions.png"); }
void testApp::update() { if(camera->imageUpdated){ // the pixels seem to be flipped, so let's unflip them: if (cameraPixels == NULL){ // first time, let's get memory based on how big the image is: cameraPixels = new unsigned char [camera->width * camera->height*4]; } // now, lets flip the image vertically: for (int i = 0; i < camera->height; i++){ memcpy(cameraPixels+(camera->height-i-1)*camera->width*4, camera->pixels+i*camera->width*4, camera->width*4); } tempPixels = cameraPixels;
for (int i = 0; i < camera->height*camera->width*4; i+=4){ cameraPixels[i] *= r; cameraPixels[i+1] *= g; } // finally, set the image from pixels... photo.setFromPixels(cameraPixels,camera->width, camera->height, OF_IMAGE_COLOR_ALPHA); imgPos.x=ofGetWidth()/2; imgPos.y=ofGetHeight()/2; camera->imageUpdated=false; cameraPixels = tempPixels; } }
void testApp::draw() { photo.draw(imgPos.x-photo.width/2,imgPos.y-photo.height/2); }
最後に、タッチイベントです。今回はカメラではなくPhoto Libraryから画像を読み込んでみましょう。Photo Libraryは「camera->openLibrary()」で呼び出せます。
void testApp::touchDown(ofTouchEventArgs &touch) { if(touch.id == 1){ camera->openLibrary(); } }
void testApp::touchMoved(ofTouchEventArgs &touch){ if(touch.id == 0){ r = touch.x / 320; g = touch.y / 480; camera->imageUpdated = true; } }
今回はopenFrameworksを使った、カメラやPhoto Libraryの扱いとピクセル処理について学びました。ピクセル処理に使った実装を書き換えれば、色の編集だけではなく、モザイクや“ぼかし”などの効果を画像に加えることも可能です。ぜひ、いろいろ書き換えてみてください。
“さわってみたい”を創ることが目標。フィジカルコンピューティングなどの試作を行う傍ら、コミュニティ活動ではExpression Blendを中心としたセッションを行っている
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