現役Webエンジニアの英文履歴書を添削するITエンジニアのための英文履歴書(2)(1/2 ページ)

ITエンジニアとしてのキャリアとスキル、英語で表現できますか? 「英語を使う仕事はしないから」ではもったいない。カンファレンスやWebサービス上など、英語の経歴はいろいろなところで使えます。初めて英文履歴書を書くエンジニアのために、“英文履歴書の作り方”を伝授。

» 2012年04月17日 00時00分 公開

 こんにちは! きょうこ先生です。「ITエンジニアのための英文履歴書 第1回」では、英文履歴書の書き方を解説しました。







ZIP: 000-0000
100-101-1, Fuga Hoge,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
T +81 (3) 0000 0000
F +81 (3) 0000 0000
blog: http://xxx.xxx.com/

A challenging postion as a web programmer and/or a web service engineer.

Work Experience

ABC Internet Media
- Manager of Tech Division , Director. 2011 - Present
- Web engineer & Web programmer. 2009 - 2011

The company manages some large scale web sites. I joined as an engineer at Tech division, and worked on system design and development of CMS [Contents Management System].

Set up Linux servers running MySQL and Apache, and wrote PHP code to run the server. Used KVS for load dispersion and speed-up.

Moreover, although the scale of the website became large due to the abolished and merged systems, our team succeeded in downsizing the system, which resulted in reducing about 40% of the cost per month.

I am also working on the system improvement for the internal operations using PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Perl. Recently, I was promoted to a manager of the division, and my new responsibilities include management of team members and negotiations with other divisions or clients.

EFG IT Corporation - Programmer. 2006 - 2009

Created CMS of the on-demand video site. APS.NET, VB.NET, and C#.NET were used for programming languages, and MySQL and Oracle for Databases. We were a team of 5 people. I proposed using “Agile Development Process” and the team used this process for the first time.

HIJ Telecom - System Engineer. 2004 - 2006

I was in the development team of the billing system of phone call charges. My job was writing specifications and testing the system. The billing system was very large and complicated. I worked with about 10 developers.

OPQ Systems Integrator - System Engineer. 2003 - 2004

I developed the web systems using Java. I also studied object-orientation and the MVC architecture.
Keywords: J2EE,JSP, Struts, CORBA, C#, Pro*C, Jakarta products, Tomcat

VWX Manufacturer - Programmer. 2000 - 2003

I participated in the Ticket Booking System of the railroad company as a programmer of COBOL. The system was based on the VWX Mainframe with VWX OS and databases. I also used some JCL and PL/1.

Skills and Certifications
Programming Skills : PHP, Java, HTML, CSS, Ajax, SQL, Ruby, Perl, bash, csh, VB.NET, C#.NET, COBOL, CakePHP, Zend, symfony, codeigniter
Web Application Servers : Apache1.3 / 2.x , Apache Tomcat
Databases used : MySQL, Oracle 8i / 9i / 10g (I had “ORACLE MASTER Gold 10g”), MS SQL Server

ABC College of Technology - Diploma.

ここを変えればもっと良くなる! 5つのポイント




 あるところでは作文風に「I」から始まる文章や「Moreover」などの接続詞で文章に流れを持たせようとしているのに、あるところでは「Set up Linux servers running MySQL and Apache……」といった個条書き風の文章が出てきます。


 例えば、「ABC Internet Media」社での職歴(Work Experience)を見てみましょう。

Work Experience

ABC Internet Media
- Manager of Tech Division , Director. 2011 - Present
- Web engineer & Web programmer. 2009 - 2011

The company manages some large scale web sites(a). I joined as an engineer at Tech division, and worked on system design and development of CMS [Contents Management System].Set up Linux servers running MySQL and Apache, and wrote PHP code to run the server. Used KVS for load dispersion and speed-up.Moreover, although the scale of the website became large due to the abolished and merged systems, our team succeeded in downsizing the system, which resulted in reducing about 40% of the cost per month(b).

I am also working on the system improvement for the internal operations using PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Perl. Recently, I was promoted to a manager of the division, and my new responsibilities include management of team members and negotiations with other divisions or clients.


 ヒロシさんが最初に書いた文「The company manages some large scale web sites」は、会社紹介です。会社紹介を履歴書に入れるかどうかは悩ましいところですが、ヒロシさんは他の社歴に会社紹介を書いていません。統一感を持たせるために、会社紹介は削除してしまいましょう。


  • Managed site A (1 million PV/day), site B (2 million PV/day), and site C (3 million PV/day).




 以上をふまえ、ABC Internet Mediaでの職歴を箇条書き風に書き直してみましょう。

  • Managed site A (1 million PV/day), site B (2 million PV/day), and site C (3 million PV/day).
  • Used KVS for load dispersion and speed-up.
  • Downsized the system and reduced about 40% of the cost per month.
  • Set up Linux servers running MySQL and Apache, and wrote PHP code to run the server.
  • Worked on system design and development of CMS [Contents Management System].
  • Worked on the system improvement for the internal operations (Used technologies: PHP, Ruby on Rails, Perl).
  • Managed team members and negotiated with other divisions or clients as a manager.


 さらに細かいところまで見ていくと、「Skills and Certifications」の欄に「Oracle 8i / 9i / 10g (I had "ORACLE MASTER Gold 10g")」とある部分も気になります。ここでも「I」という一人称が登場していますが、特にこの欄は個条書きだけで済ませておきたい欄なので、「Oracle 8i / 9i / 10g (with "ORACLE MASTER Gold 10g")」とする方がいいでしょう。


 履歴書全体を見渡してみると、「OPQ Systems Integrator」社の職歴欄にだけ「Keywords」という項目が入っているのが気になります。

Work Experience

OPQ Systems Integrator - System Engineer. 2003 - 2004

I developed the web systems using Java. I also studied(d) object-orientation and the MVC architecture.
Keywords(c): J2EE,JSP, Struts, CORBA, C#, Pro*C, Jakarta products, Tomcat




 他の職歴欄に「Keywords」を入れないまま、OPQ Systems Integrator社の「Keywords」で並べた技術を職歴欄に入れたい場合は、職歴の一部にしてしまいましょう。

  • Used technologies such as J2EE,JSP, Struts, CORBA, C#, Pro*C, Jakarta products, Tomcat


 また、同じくOPQ Systems Integrator社の中で出てきた「I also studied object-orientation……」という表現についてもちょっと一言。「study」という言葉のイメージは、文字通り「勉強する」。「給料をもらいながら勉強しただけ?」なんて印象を持たれないためにも、「research」(調査する)という言葉に置き換えてみると良いでしょう。内容は変わらなくても、言葉から受ける印象はぐっと変わります。

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