※1 Hadoopの設定ファイルは/home/hadoop/confディレクトリに配置されています
#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'hpricot' require 'tempfile' CONFIG_HEADER = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"configuration.xsl\"?>" LETTER_TO_FILE = { "s" => "/home/hadoop/conf/hadoop-site.xml", "d" => "/home/hadoop/conf/hadoop-default.xml", "c" => "/home/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml", "h" => "/home/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml", "m" => "/home/hadoop/conf/mapred-site.xml" } OPT_TO_FILE = { "site" => "/home/hadoop/conf/hadoop-site.xml", "default" => "/home/hadoop/conf/hadoop-default.xml", "core" => "/home/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml", "hdfs" => "/home/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml", "mapred" => "/home/hadoop/conf/mapred-site.xml" } def usage puts "-<f>, --<file>-key-value" puts " Key/value pair that will be merged into the specified config file." puts "" puts "-<F>, --<file>-config-file" puts " Config file in Amazon S3 or locally that will be merged with the specified config file." puts "" puts "Acceptable config files:" puts " s/S site hadoop-site.xml" puts " d/D default hadoop-default.xml" puts " c/C core core-site.xml" puts " h/H hdfs hdfs-site.xml" puts " m/M mapred mapred-site.xml" puts "" puts "" puts "Example Usage" puts " --site-config-file s3://bucket/config.xml -s mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum=2" exit -1 end def parse_config_file(config_file_path) ret = [] if File.exist?(config_file_path) then doc = open(config_file_path) { |f| Hpricot(f) } (doc/"configuration"/"property").each do |property| val = {:name => (property/"name").inner_html, :value => (property/"value").inner_html } if (property/"final").inner_html != "" then val[:final] = (property/"final").inner_html end ret << val end else puts "#{config_file_path} does not exist, assuming empty configuration" end return ret end def dump_config_file(file_name, config) open(file_name, 'w') do |f| f.puts CONFIG_HEADER f.puts '<configuration>' for entry in config f.print " <property><name>#{entry[:name]}</name><value>#{entry[:value]}</value>" if entry[:final] then f.print "<final>#{entry[:final]}</final>" end f.puts '</property>' end f.puts '</configuration>' end end def merge_config(default, overwrite) for entry in overwrite cells = default.select { |x| x[:name] == entry[:name]} if cells.size == 0 then puts "'#{entry[:name]}': default does not have key, appending value '#{entry[:value]}'" default << entry elsif cells.size == 1 then puts "'#{entry[:name]}': new value '#{entry[:value]}' overwriting '#{cells[0][:value]}'" cells[0].replace(entry) else raise "'#{entry[:name]}': default has #{cells.size} keys" end end end def run_command(command) puts "Running command: '#{command}'" results = `#{command} 2>&1` failure = $? puts "Command output: " + results if failure != 0 then raise "Got failure status #{failure} running #{command}" end return results end def get_local_file(file_uri, temp) if file_uri.include?("://") then puts "File #{file_uri} is non local, fetching from remote" File.unlink(temp) if File::exists?(temp) run_command("/home/hadoop/bin/hadoop dfs -cp #{file_uri} file://#{temp}") puts "Remote file fetched into #{temp}" return temp else return file_uri end end def do_overwrites(list) for keyvalue, default_file, arg in list if keyvalue then puts "Processing default file #{default_file} with overwrite #{arg}" key = arg.split('=', 2)[0] value = arg.split('=', 2)[1] overwrite = [{:name => key, :value => value }] else puts "Processing default file #{default_file} with overwrites from #{arg}" local_overwrite_file = get_local_file(arg, default_file + ".overwrite") overwrite = parse_config_file(local_overwrite_file) end default = parse_config_file(default_file) merge_config(default,overwrite) dump_config_file(default_file + ".new", default) if File.exist?(default_file) then File.rename(default_file, default_file + ".old") end File.rename(default_file + ".new", default_file) puts "Saved #{default_file} with overwrites. Original saved to #{default_file}.old" end end # Returns: # boolean - true if this is a key/value option (as compared to file) # string - config file location to merge with def opt_to_file(arg) if arg.match(/^-[sdchm]$/) then return true, LETTER_TO_FILE[arg[1..1].downcase] elsif arg.match(/^-[SDCHM]$/) then return false, LETTER_TO_FILE[arg[1..1].downcase] elsif arg.match(/^-+[^-]*-key-value$/) then file = OPT_TO_FILE[arg.match(/^-+([^-]*)-key-value$/)[1]] raise "Unrecognized argument" if !file return true, file elsif arg.match(/^-+[^-]*-config-file$/) then file = OPT_TO_FILE[arg.match(/^-+([^-]*)-config-file$/)[1]] raise "Unrecognized argument" if !file return false, file end raise "Unrecognized argument #{arg}" end def unit_test default_string = <<HERE #{CONFIG_HEADER} <configuration> <property><name>a</name><value>not_changed</value></property> <property><name>b</name><value>final_not_changed</value><final>true</final></property> <property><name>c</name><value>old_value_to_change</value></property> <property><name>d</name><value>old_value_to_change</value><final>true</final></property> </configuration> HERE default_file = Tempfile.new('default') default_file << default_string default_file.close overwrite_string = <<HERE #{CONFIG_HEADER} <configuration> <property><name>c</name><value>new_value</value></property> <property><name>d</name><value>new_value_no_final</value></property> <property><name>e</name><value>new_entry</value><final>true</final></property></configuration> HERE overwrite_file = Tempfile.new('default') overwrite_file << overwrite_string overwrite_file.close do_overwrites([[false, default_file.path, overwrite_file.path]]) do_overwrites([[true, default_file.path, "f=new_kv"]]) default_file.open actual = default_file.read default_file.close puts "actual = #{actual}" expected = <<HERE #{CONFIG_HEADER} <configuration> <property><name>a</name><value>not_changed</value></property> <property><name>b</name><value>final_not_changed</value><final>true</final></property> <property><name>c</name><value>new_value</value></property> <property><name>d</name><value>new_value_no_final</value></property> <property><name>e</name><value>new_entry</value><final>true</final></property> <property><name>f</name><value>new_kv</value></property> </configuration> HERE if actual == expected then puts "TEST PASSED!" else raise "TEST_FAILED!!!" end end ## ## BEGIN MAIN ## if ARGV.size == 1 && ARGV[0] == "--test" then unit_test elsif ARGV.size == 0 then usage else list = [] while ARGV.size > 0 arg = ARGV.shift if ARGV.size == 0 then usage end begin keyvalue, file = opt_to_file(arg) list << [keyvalue, file, ARGV.shift] rescue print "Unrecognized argument: #{arg}\n\n" usage end end do_overwrites(list) end
オプション | 説明 | 例 | |
--bootstrap-action SCRIPT | ブートストラップアクションで実行させたいスクリプトのパスを指定する | s3n://path/to/xxx | |
--bootstrap-name NAME | ブートストラップアクションに名前を付ける | ||
--args | ブートストラップアクションに渡す引数をカンマ区切りで指定する | -s,mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum=3 | |
<?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?> <configuration> ... <property> <name>mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum</name><value>2</value> </property> … </configuration>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?> <configuration> <property> <name>mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum</name><value>3</value> </property> </configuration>
2012-07-23 10:13:06,240 INFO i-4cbc9034: new instance started 2012-07-23 10:13:07,320 INFO i-4cbc9034: bootstrap action 1 completed 2012-07-23 10:14:18,944 INFO i-4cbc9034: all bootstrap actions complete and instance ready
012-07-23T10:13:06.262Z INFO Fetching file 's3n://elasticmapreduce/bootstrapactions/configure-hadoop' 2012-07-23T10:13:06.810Z INFO Working dir /mnt/var/lib/bootstrap-actions/1 2012-07-23T10:13:06.811Z INFO Executing /mnt/var/lib/bootstrap-actions/1/ configure-hadoop -s mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum=3 2012-07-23T10:13:07.318Z INFO Execution ended with ret val 0 2012-07-23T10:13:07.319Z INFO Execution succeeded
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