索引 P
- P2P (Peer to Peer/Person to Person)
- P3P (Platform for Privacy Preferences Project)
- P6マイクロアーキテクチャ (P6 micro-architecture)
- PAE (Physical Address Extension)
- Palomino
- PAN (Personal Area Network)
- PanelLink
- PC System Design Guide
- PC/100
- PC100
- PC1066
- PC/133
- PC133
- PC1600
- PC2100
- PC2700
- PC600
- PC/66
- PC66
- PC700
- PC800
- PC/AT互換機 (PC/AT compatible)
- PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)
- PCI Express (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express)
- PCI-ISAブリッジ (PCI-ISA bridge)
- PCI SIG (PCI Special Interest Group)
- PCI-SIG (PCI Special Interest Group)
- PCI/ISA共有スロット (PCI/ISA shared slot)
- PCI/ISA共用スロット (PCI/ISA shared slot)
- PCI-X (Peripheral Component Interconnect-X)
- PCカード (PC card)
- PDA (Personal Digital Assistants/Personal Data Assistants)
- PDF (Portable Document Format)
- PDP (plasma display panel)
- PDS (public-domain software)
- PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail)
- Pentium
- Pentium II
- Pentium 2
- Pentium II Xeon
- Pentium III
- Pentium 3
- Pentium III-S
- Pentium III Xeon
- Pentium 4
- Pentium Pro
- Pentium Processor with MMX Technology
- Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language)
- PGA (Pin Grid Array)
- PGA370 (Pin Grid Array 370)
- PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)
- PHS (Personal Handyphone System)
- PictBridge
- PIM (PRINT Image Matching)
- PIM (Personal Information Manager)
- ping (ping/Packet INternet Groper)
- PIO (Programmed Input/Output)
- PIO転送 (Programmed Input/Output transfer)
- PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)
- PLCC (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier)
- PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
- PoE (Power over Ethernet)
- POF (Plastic Optical Fiber)
- POP (Post Office Protocol)
- POP (Point Of Presence)
- POP before SMTP
- POP2 (Post Office Protocol version 2)
- POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3)
- POPプロトコル (Post Office Protocol protocol)
- POS (Point Of Sale)
- POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface for UNIX)
- POST (power-on self test)
- PostScript
- POSレジスタ (POS register)
- POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service)
- POTSスプリッタ (Plain Old Telephone Service splitter)
- PowerNow!テクノロジ (power now technology)
- PowerPC
- PowerPC G3
- PowerPC G4
- PPGA (Plastic Pin Grid Array)
- ppm (Pages Per Minute)
- PPP (Point to Point Protocol)
- PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet)
- pps (packet per second)
- PPV (Pay Per View)
- Prescott
- PRI (Primary Rate Interface)
- PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory)
- Proxyサーバ (Proxy server)
- PS/2コネクタ (PS/2 connector)
- PtoP (Peer to Peer/Person to Person)
- Python (Python)
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